RTBI National President
Steve is a proud Yorkshireman that moved ‘down South’ in 2001, finally settling in Great Dunmow, North Essex…. Although he’s not yet seen in a flat cap and white stiletto ensemble!.... although after a few beers, who knows!?
Steve has been with his wife Lou for 23 years, and they have two amazing if not slightly bonkers girls, Grace and Abi. In his day job Steve is a Director of a mixed-use property developer (Socius) who build large developments across London and the South East.
Steve joined Great Dunmow Round Table 10-years ago and like many others, his story of joining Table was as a result of moving to a new area. He hadn’t heard of Round Table, yet got roped into pulling pints at the town carnival and ended up singing a drunken rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody with a new group of mates.
Having been elected as the next National President, Steve stood for election on a mandate of change and modernisation, partly through a frustration in seeing membership numbers fall year-on-year. His slogan (aimed internally) is to ‘Transform Traditions and Empower Change’. This is to send a message to Tables to continue to Adopt, Adapt and Improve their approach to ensure that Round Table remains relevant to future generations.